BattValue project organized two trainings, one in Uppsala, Sweden and one in Marina di Ravenna, Italy. The participants gained valuable insight in both battery cell assembly and spent battery management. Thank you to everyone involved in these trainings!
BattValue project will organize two trainings in 2024 which are aimed for professionals and upcoming professionals in the battery value chain! The trainings will be held in Uppsala, Sweden and (Marina di) Ravenna, Italy. The language used in both trainings is English.
Cell assembling on the battery cell line
Primarily May 14th – May 15th
(and upon demand May 16th – May 17th)
1500 € (excl. 24 % VAT)
Spent battery management
June 17th – June 18th
1500 € (excl. 24 % VAT)
Participants get hands-on experience on the main stages of battery fabrication on a small-scale prototype of an industrial manufacturing line. This involves stages from making electrodes to battery assembly. The participants get an in-depth understanding of the materials, equipment, cost, sustainability and future prospects of the individual stages in the Li-battery manufacturing process.
Below is a non exhaustive list of the contents of the training.
Day 1:
Day 2:
At first, the SOH (State of health) of aged cells will be evaluated by electrochemical methods by comparing capacity and internal impedance with those of not-aged cells. Cell discharge, disassembly in controlled environments will be demonstrated and aged cell components collected. During the training the main chemical physical methods for the analysis of recovered materials will be presented.
IMPORTANT: The cost associated to the trainings only covers the training received at the facility and does not cover other things including but not limited to: travel, transportation, accommodation, visas required to travel to the destination, etc.. All agreements of participation will be considered binding and there will be no refunds issued under any circumstances. In an event that would prevent you from attending (e.g. sudden sickness), it is possible to change the attending person. The trainings will only take place if there is enough demand. By applying you have agreed to these terms. Upon being selected to the training you will receive a confirmation email.
Any questions?